
Visual basic code
Visual basic code

visual basic code visual basic code

BASICA adds many features for the IBM PC such as sound, graphics, and memory commands. The ability to "crunch" program lines by omitting spaces, a common feature of earlier Microsoft BASIC implementations, was removed from BASIC-80 5.x and BASICA/GWBASIC.īASIC-80 programs not using PEEK/ POKE statements run under GW-BASIC.

  • Ability to save programs in either tokenized binary format or ASCII text.
  • CALL statement for executing machine-language routines.
  • LINE INPUT, which allowed field-separator characters like comma to be ignored.
  • OPTION BASE statement to set the starting index of array variables as either 0 or 1.
  • Common features of BASIC-80 5.x and BASICA/GW-BASIC include: IBM BASICA and GW-BASIC are largely ports of MBASIC version 5.x, but with added features specifically for the IBM PC hardware. On May 21, 2020, Microsoft released the 8088 assembler source code for GW-BASIC 1.0 on GitHub under the MIT License. With the release of MS-DOS 5.0, GW-BASIC's place was taken by QBasic, a slightly abridged version of the interpreter part of the separately available QuickBASIC interpreter and compiler package. Microsoft also sold a BASIC compiler, BASCOM, compatible with GW-BASIC, for programs needing more speed.Īccording to Mark Jones Lorenzo, given the scope of the language, "GW-BASIC is arguably the ne plus ultra of Microsoft's family of line-numbered BASICs stretching back to Altair BASIC – and perhaps even of line-numbered BASIC in general." Since it was included with most versions of MS-DOS, it was also a low-cost way for many aspiring programmers to learn the fundamentals of computer programming. The language is suitable for simple games, business programs and the like. It was bundled with MS-DOS operating systems on IBM PC compatibles by Microsoft.

    visual basic code

    Functionally identical to BASICA, its BASIC interpreter is a fully self-contained executable and does not need the Cassette BASIC ROM found in the original IBM PC. GW-BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Microsoft from IBM BASICA. IBM Cassette BASIC, IBM Disk BASIC, IBM BASICA

    Visual basic code